Welcome to Otters class page!
Welcome to Otters class. We are a class of 7 children and we follow the Orchard pathway.
Mrs Rankin is our class teacher and our wonderful teaching assistants are Michelle, Nadra, Erika, Stuart & Dara.
Autumn 2
Our topic for this half term is 'Winter Wonderland'. Each week there will be a different theme linked to the topic in which we will focus on - for example; Winter clothing, Christmas food etc...In otters class this will be based around their communication, independence and sensory needs. As a team in the Orchard pathway we have some fabulous ideas for this topic & can't wait to show you all!
Homework will be sent and you will find the ‘Winter Wonderland' homework grid below as well as in the homework tab on the left. Please try to complete as many of the activities as you can during this half term - we would love to see your child's amazing work and see some of the Christmassy things you have been doing at home!
Our timetable in Otters class has stayed the same however as part of our independence an community we will be transitioning to the DT room to participate in cooking each week.
Autumn 1
This half term we will spend the first 2 weeks getting to know each other and our new environment and making new friends and relationships. For the remainder of the half term our topic is ‘Pottery & Sculpture’. Each week there will be a different theme linked to the topic and the pupil's will explore a different action. E.g. Roll, squeeze etc...At the end of the topic we will be taking part in a whole school let's connect event where each pupil will create a piece of pottery to display in an art gallery.
Homework will be sent and you will find the ‘Pottery & Sculpture’ homework grid below as well as in the homework tab on the left. Please try to complete as many of the activities as you can during this half term - we would love to see your child's amazing work!
Here is a copy of our weekly timetable:
We will share what we have been up to on our class dojo page each day so please join us there to have a look at our latest updates!