Welcome to Chipmunks class page.
Welcome to Chipmunks class. We are a class of 11 children and we follow the Orchard Pathway.
Mr Doxford is our class teacher and Mr Lee will be teaching us on a Thursday Morning and every Friday. Our wonderful teaching assistants are Linda, Nichola, Kharter and Awais.
Mr Doxford
Linda Nichola Khater
Homework (in the homework tab of the webpage) will be unloaded each half term. Please try to complete as many of the activities as you can during this half term, we would love to see your work via dojo!
Spring 1 - Jack and The Beanstalk
Our topic this half term is going to be 'Jack and the Beanstalk' which is a performing arts topic. We are going to be visited by M&M Theatre Company who are going to perform a pantomime for us! We will also plant our own beans to watch how they grow and will discuss what plants need to thrive and how we can look after them. We will also explore different fairytales and the characters in them; we will look at how we can describe them and will create our own fairytale scenes. We are going to explore counting beans and looking at tall and short beanstalks.
We will now have Swimming on a Wednesday morning (starting 15.1.25), PE on Thursday afternoon and will continue with Jo Jingles on a Friday morning.
Keep looking at our Class Dojo page for daily updates on what we have been doing.
Autumn 1 - Pottery and Sculpture
This half term we will spend the first 2 weeks getting to know each other and our new environment and making new friends and relationships. For the remainder of the half term, our topic is 'Pottery & Sculpture'.
We will be focusing our learning around the book 'Play with Clay' and 'Along came a Difference'. Each week we will explore a different action you can do with clay, such as roll, squeeze, stretch, paint, mould, statue. We will be finishing the half term with a Let's Connect event - we will create a piece of pottery that will be displayed in a whole school art gallery.
Throughout the half term the children have enjoyed exploring a range of different techniques to work with pottery and explore sculptures. They have been working with different textures such as play dough, slime, moulding dough and clay. We also built the children awareness of 'being careful' and 'fragile' when handling and making our sculptures. The children really enjoyed creating their sculptures using clay tools and forming their 'helping hands' to be displayed at our wonderful arts exhibition. The children used symbols to communicate the tools, colours and patterns that they wanted to include on their final pieces.
Autumn 2 - Winter Wonderland
Next half term the children are really excited to experience our Winter Wonderland topic. This topic will provide children with opportunities to develop their independence and functional life skills. It will help teach them to build real-life skills relating to eating and drinking, as well as an awareness of winter weather. Our focus weeks will include - cold (snow and ice), winter animals, clothing and festive foods. We will be exploring the book 'The Way Home for Wolf'.
We have had a great wintery half term in Chipmunks. We have been learning about hot and cold and what clothes we wear at these times. We also looks at what signs we look for during winter and we even had some snow! Towards the end of the term we have been making and crafting getting ready for our WinderWonderland market day where we set up our 'Reindeer Ranch' stall. Well done Chipmunks!