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Dame Ellen Pinsent School

Dame Ellen Pinsent School


Welcome to Badgers class. We are a class of 13 children and we follow the Woodlands pathway.

Miss Bradley is our class teacher and our wonderful teaching assistants are Sandra and Rash. Andrina will be teaching all day on Mondays and Amma will be teaching on Wednesday afternoons.

Autumn 2 

Our new topic is... 

This topic will be our DT project. We will design, make and evaluate a product ready to sell at our Christmas fayre in December. 

Our focus story book will be... 

Autumn 1

This half-term we will spend the first 2 weeks getting to know each other and our new environment and making new friends and relationships.


We will be going swimming every Thursday morning.

For the remainder of the half-term our topic is ‘Pottery & Sculpture’….

This topic will include following a simple design brief to be able to make a model or sculpture of a mini-beast that will be later displayed in our school gallery. We will then evaluate our design and give our own opinions on different pieces of artwork.  We will learn to manipulate the dough/clay to produce our mini beast from our own ideas and the work of great artists. Our focus books will be 'Mud' and 'Super worm'. In English, we will be writing labels and descriptions using similes and metaphors.



Super worm hook lesson ! 

Sensory Story

TFW map 

Computing - digital art 


We will share what we have been up to on our class dojo page each day, so please join us there.